
NEW SERVICE TIMES: 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Coming up...


We are in need of children's church volunteers. Our Children's ministry is growing! We have seen more and more kids coming to children's church and that is amazing! However, more kids means we need more people to help on Sunday Mornings to teach and to love on these kiddos! If you are interested in volunteering to help out in Children's church one Sunday each month or as a substitute, please contact Joshua Woodard (317-954-0568 or ).

Perilous Times: "End Times" Class taught by Bruce Harrell. This class will focus on the emerging technologies and upcoming advancements that will impact our society and the church. The class is to prepare believers to stand up for Christ in the midst of what is to come. Class meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at ECHO (Across from Shelbyville Post Office) at 7:00 PM.

The Sequence: Chronological Order of Prophecy
. Doug Adamson will be teaching a new class going over the background and possible order of prophecy in the Bible. The class will be on Sunday evenings at 4:30 pm with a pitch-in meal to follow at 5:30 pm. You are not required to bring anything but you are welcome to! The class will start back up July 28. Sign up in Foyer. 

Have a Prayer Request? Fill out the back of a connection card and place it in the black box at the connection desk. We have seen more and more prayer requests fulfilled! 

: Giving can be done via the offering box in the foyer or online at our website.

Connection Team or Security Team - If you are interested in serving on either of these teams, please talk to Aaron Thornsbury (317)512-1887 or call the church office.

Right Now Media – Free access to 20,000 Bible Study Videos & kids shows! Text CROSSROADCC to 49775 or go to rightnowmedia.org to get started.

Kids Worship - If you enjoy working with kids and love music, please consider leading Kids' Worship once per month for 15-20 minutes. For more information, talk to Josh Woodard or call the church office.

Growth Groups - One of the best ways to get connected is to join one of our growth groups that meet either weekly or bi-weekly. Take a look at the Growth Group Leaders List on the Connection Desk to see what is available and to contact the leaders to find out more information.

Growth Group Leaders:
Pam Robinson - Mon. 10:00 a.m. @church (Women's) -  317-512-7714
Markita Daulton - Will resume in March (Women's) -  317-512-2665
Marilyn Current - Tues. 9:30 a.m. @church (Women's) - 317-512-4829
Jim Martin - Wednesday 9:15 AM @ Senior Services (YMCA) - 317-796-3371
Josh Woodard - Wed 6:00 p.m. - e/o week (Young Couples) 317-954-0568
Mary Lawler - Thurs. 3:00 p.m. (e/o week)@Kim McCullum's (Women's) 317-512-5477
Bruce Harrell - Thurs. 7:00 p.m. @Jim Kinsley's (Mixed) 317-403-9292
Bob Wilkinson - Fri. 6:00 p.m. (e/o week)@church (Mixed w/kids) 765-561-4524
Marcus Herschberger - Fri. 6:00 p.m. (Young couples) 317-604-3906
Don Clark - Sun. 5:00 (e/o week) @ Clark's in Morristown (Blended families) (765)745-0701
Andy Lee - Sunday 5:00 p.m. (e/o week)@his home (Mixed) 317-395-6765

July 24  – Senior Bible Study by Jim Martin at YMCA 9:15 AM.

July 24 - Prophecy Night with Rick Cochran 6:30 pm at CCC.

July 28 - Revelation Class with Doug Adamson. See details above.

August 14 - Awana starts back up.

August 25 - Annual Church Picnic

July Connection Team Leaders: Richard Thurston and Cory Evans

July Connection Team: Steve Sturgill, John Patterson, David Burch, Rob Logan, Danny Bayne, Brad and Melissa Mahin, Belinda Woodson, Javier Rodriguez, Peggy Thurston.
Security Post: - July 7: Andrew Huffman, July 14: Dewayne Hamilton, 
July 21: Kevin Wagner, July 28: Brad Stansbury.